Automated Slide Scanning Services
SeqMatic offers whole automated slide scanning services. The histopathology laboratory uses NanoZoomer S60 Digital slide scanner which supports both brightfield and fluorescence imaging.
The NanoZoomer S60 is a high-speed scanner that delivers high-resolution digital data for analysis. It has a magnification setup of up to 40X
Service Highlights:
Comprehensive Services with an in-house pathologist
Consultation available
SeqMatic can validate and optimize special stains
Identify and highlight structures & cellular components for your research tissues
Flexibility & Convenience
SeqMatic’s “Fetch-Seq”™ sample courier pick-up services in the S.F. Bay Area
Quick Processing
Laboratory is located in Fremont, California – USA
Wide Range of Sample Types
Inquire about other tissue and stain types!
Scanning System Benefits
The NanoZoomer S60 enhances imaging capabilities with a fluorescence module to obtain superimposed bright-field and fluorescent images. |
Scanned images are easily checked from the whole to the detail image. |