BCR/TCR immune profiling analysis services - illustration of an infectious disease microenvironment

BCR/TCR Immune Profiling Analysis Services

Advancing the understanding of phenotype characterization

BCR/TCR immune profiling analysis services (scBCR and scTCR) encompass the examination of T and B-cell receptors (TCRs/BCRs), which facilitate the binding of cells to specific antigens, subsequent proliferation, and prompt mounting of a targeted immune response. The expertise, support, and services provided by the SeqMatic laboratory cater to a variety of BCR/TCR immune profiling analyses pertaining to the tumor microenvironment, infectious diseases, and autoimmune disorders.

To better support your CAR-T/translational research, SeqMatic is a CLIA licensed/CAP accredited laboratory.  Our facility located in Fremont, CA. supports diverse immune profiling research projects that require a specialized CLIA environment.

Need samples sequenced right away? Check out our Express Services.


10x Genomics
can process:
Parse Biosciences
can process:
20K cells (1-16 samples) using Chromium HT kit10K cells (1-12 samples) using WT/TCR Mini kit
Up to 160K cells (1-16 samples) using Chromium Flex kit100K cells (1-48 samples) using WT/TCR kit
Up to 2.5M cells (1-256 samples) using Chromium Flex kit1M cells ( 1-96 samples) using WT/TCR Mega kit

Service Portfolio


TailorMix Dual-Indexed PhiX